Ο Γιατρός
Ο Παναγιώτης Ρενιέρης αποφοίτησε απο την Ιατρική Σχολή του Πανεπιστημίου Αθηνών το 2005 και μπήκε απευθείας στον χώρο της έρευνας (ως το 2007, βλ. δημοσιεύσεις). Στα τέλη του 2007 μετακόμισε στην Ελβετία όπου ξεκίνησε την εκπαίδευσή του στην παιδιατρική στο Πανεπιστημιακό Νοσοκομείο της Γενεύης.
Το 2009 μετακόμισε με την σύζυγό του στην Νέα Υόρκη όπου ολοκλήρωσε την εκπαίδευσή του και έλαβε τον τίτλο της Παιδιατρικής καθώς και την πιστοποίηση της Αμερικανικής Ακαδημίας της Παιδιατρικής (American Academy of Pediatrics), ενός από τους σημαντικότερους οργανισμούς παιδιατρικής στον κόσμο. Το 2012 επέστρεψε στην Ελλάδα όπου έλαβε και τον Ελληνικό τίτλο ειδικότητας. Επί του παρόντος λειτουργεί ιδιωτικό παιδιατρικό ιατρείο στην Αθήνα, και αναλαμβάνει προσωπικά την φροντίδα των νοσηλευόμενων ασθενών του.
PICU Fundamentals
Electronic Health Records
Family-centered Care
Περιποίηση θλαστικών τραυμάτων
Τοποθέτηση/Αλλαγή Folley
Τοποθέτηση/Αλλαγή ρινογαστρικού
P Renieris, V Gerovasili, T Loukas, K Kritikos, E Angelopoulos, D Kanaloupiti, N Basios, M Poriazi, S Nanas. Microcirculation impairment in septic patients is related to severity. 10th State of The Art (Athens, Greece, April 2006)
Renieris P, Gerovasili V, Poriazi M, Loukas T, Markaki V, Routsi C, Roussos C, Nanas S. Microcirculatory dysfunction in ICU patients with sepsis. 19th ESICM Annual Congress- 09/2006 Barcelona, 0371
Intensive Care Medicine, Volume 32, Supplement 1 / September, 2006, DOI 10.1007/s00134-006-0318-z -
Renieris P, Zagorianou A, Gerovasili V, Kourtidou S, Kravari M, Poulaki S, Bouchla A, Markaki V, Zervaki D, Routsi C, Nanas S. Study of tissue oxygenation in critically ill patients with NIRS. 11th State-of-the-Art. Interdisciplinary review course on Pulmonary diseases, Critical Care, Emergency medicine and Nursing Care 04/2007 Athens
Renieris P, Gerovasili V, El Ali M, Theodoridis T, Poriazi M, Bouchla A, Markaki V, Mentzelopoulos S, Zervakis D, Roussos C, Nanas S. High incidence of positive heparin antibodies in a multidisciplinary intensive care unit. 27th International Symposium on Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine, Brussels, Belgium, March 2007
Critical Care 2007, 11(suppl 2):P372, DOI: 10.1186/cc5532 -
P. Renieris, V. Gerovasili, S. Poulaki, A. Zagorianou, S. Kourtidou, M. Kravari, A. Bouchla, D. Zervakis, V. Markaki, S. Nanas. Near infrared spectroscopy as an indirect tool for assessing the microcirculation of the critically ill. European Society of Intensive Care Medicine (ESICM), 20th Annual Congress, Berlin, Germany October 2007.
Intensive Care Medicine, 33 suppl 2, September 2007 page S31:0106, ISSN 0342-4642 (Print) 1432-1238 (Online) -
V. Gerovasili, E. Karatzanos, E. Papadopoulos, P. Renieris, A. Bouchla, V. Markaki,D. Zervakis, C. Routsi, S. Nanas. Electrical muscle stimulation has a systemic effect on the microcirculation of ICU patients. European Society of Intensive Care Medicine (ESICM), 20th Annual Congress, Berlin, Germany October 2007.
Intensive Care Medicine, 33 suppl 2, September 2007 page S262:1020, ISSN 0342-4642 (Print) 1432-1238 (Online) -
S Nanas, P Renieris, V Gerovasili, M Poriazi, K Kritikos, E Aggelopoulos, S Kolias, D Zervakis, C Routsi, C Roussos. Non invasive assessment of the microcirculation in ICU patients. 26th International Symposium on Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine (Brussels, Belgium, 21-24 March 2006).
Critical Care 2006, 10(suppl 1):P318, DOI :10.1186/cc4665 -
Pagoni E, Renieris P, Gerovasili V, Zagorianou A, Kravari M, Kourtidou S, Markaki V, Zervakis D, Nanas S. Pilot study of the effect of CVVHDF on peripheral microcirculation of the critically ill patients. 11th State-of-the-Art. Interdisciplinary review course on Pulmonary diseases, Critical Care, Emergency medicine and Nursing Care 04/2007 Athens
V. Gerovasili, M. Kravari, E. Karatzanos, A. Tasoulis, E. Kaldara, S. Drakos, P. Renieris, M. Anastasiou-Nana, S. Nanas. Physical exercise improves endothelial function assessed by nirs in chronic heart failure patients. 17th European Respiratory Society Annual Congress, Stockholm 2007, E4520
V. Gerovasili, P. Renieris, E. Karatzanos, S. Poulaki, V. Markaki, P. Politis, D. Zervakis, S. Nanas. Systemic effects of electromyostimulation on peripheral microcirculation in ICU patients. 17th European Respiratory Society Annual Congress, Stockholm 2007, E471
Tripodaki E, Renieris P, Gerovasili V, Poulaki S, Poriazi M, Markaki V, Zervakis D, Routsi C, Nanas S. The alterations of peripheral microcirculation are related to the severity of sepsis in critically ill patients. 11th Panhellenic Congress of Intensive Care Medicine, Athens June 2007
S Dimopoulos, E Angelopoulos, P Renieris, V Gerovasili, M Bonios, M Kravari, S Drakos, I Tsolakis, S Nanas. The effects of inotropic infusion on the peripheral muscles of patients with end stage heart failure. 10th Annual Conference of Intensive Care (14-16 October 2005, Athens, Greece)
V Gerovasili, C Pierakos, P Renieris, S Dimopoulos, C Batziou, N Skampas, S Drakos, E Tsagaiou, S Nanas, MA Nana. Inotropic agents affect the skeletal muscle microcirculation in patients with ESCHF. 10th State of The Art (Athens, Greece, April 2006)
Karatzanos L, Gerovasili V, Renieris P, Karaseridis A, Dimopoulos S, Georgiopoulou V, Nanou V, Mansolas G, Roussos C, Nanas S. Detection of anaerobic threshold using near infrared spectroscopy in CHF patients. 11th annual congress of the European college of sport science 07/2006 Lausanne
Gerovasili V, Karatzanos E, Renieris P, Poulaki S, Papadopoulos E, Bouhla A, Kritikos K, Markaki V, Routsi C, Zervakis D, Nanas S. Does electrical muscle stimulation (EMS) have a role in the prevention and rehabilitation of critically ill patients? 11th State-of-the-Art. Interdisciplinary review course on Pulmonary diseases, Critical Care, Emergency medicine and Nursing Care 04/2007 Athens
Gerovasili V, Vasiakos N, Loukas T, Kritikos K, Tzanis G, Renieris P, Bouchla A, Poriazi M, Angelopoulos E, Nanas S. Software development for the optimization of multiple choice questions used for the examination of medical students. 33nd Panhellenic Medical Congress 05/2007 Athens
Siafaka A, Angelopoulos E, Kritikos K, Poriazi M., Gerovasili V, Basios N, Renieris P, Kanaloupiti D, Andreou A, Kontogiorgi M, Roussos C, Nanas S. Acute effects of smoking on tissue microcirculation as monitored with near infrared spectroscopy. 16th ERS annual congress 09/2006 Munich
ERJ 28: S50; 800s -
Siafaka A, Poriazi M, Gerovasili V, Kritikos K, Angelopoulos E, Andreou A, Basios N, Renieris P, Nanas S. A non-invasive method for the evaluation of the microcirculation in healthy subjects. 32nd Panhellenic Medical Congress 05/2006 Athens
Basios N, Kritikos K, Skampas N, Aggelopoulos E, Poriazi M, Gerovasili V, Renieris P, Loukas T, Charitis C, Nanas S. Microcirculation indices are correlated with hemodynamic parameters in postoperative cardiac patients. 32nd Panhellenic Medical Congress 05/2006 Athens
N Skampas, N Basios, K Kritikos, E Aggelopoulos, M Poriazi, V Gerovasili, P Renieris, C Charitos, S Nanas. Microcirculation parameters are related to hemodynamic indices in postoperative cardiac patients. 26th International Symposium on Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine (Brussels, Belgium, 21-24 March 2006).
Critical Care 2006, 10(suppl 1):P321, DOI :10.1186/cc4668 -
V Gerovasili, Ch Pierakos, S Dimopoulos, D Sakelariou, V Gergiopoulou, P Renieris, Ch Baziou, I Tsolakis, S Nanas. The effects of inotropic infusion on the peripheral microcirculation of patients with end stage heart failure. 7th Hellenic Symposium of Heart Failure (3-5 Febuary 2006, Athens, Greece)
A Siafaka, E Angelopoulos, K Kritikos, M Poriazi, V Gerovasili, N Basios, P Renieris, D Kanaloupiti, A Andreou, M Kontogiorgi, S Nanas. Changes in tissue microcirculation during smoking. 10th State of The Art (Athens, Greece, April 2006)
C Pierakos, V Gerovasili, P Renieris, S Dimopoulos, C Batziou, N Skampas, S Drakos, D Sakelariou, S Nanas, MA Nana. Skeletal muscle microcirculation is impaired in CHF patients. 10th State of The Art (Athens, Greece, April 2006)
N Basios, K Kritikos, E Angelopoulos, M Poriazi, V Gerovasili, P Renieris, I Vasiliadis, A Siafaka, S Nanas, V Ladis. Evaluation of microcirculation in patients with b-thalassemia using a non invasive method. 10th State of The Art (Athens, Greece, April 2006)
N Basios, K Kritikos, N Skampas, E Angelopoulos, M Poriazi, V Gerovasili, P Renieris, T Loukas, S Nanas, C Charitos. Evaluation of hemodynamic parameters in post-operative cardiac patients using a non invasive method. 10th State of The Art (Athens, Greece, April 2006)
Peer Reviewed Άρθρα
Gerovasili V, Renieris P, Poulaki S, Zagorianou A, Nanas S. What is new in shock? PNEUMON 2007, 20(1b): 136-140
Nanas S, Gerovasili V, Renieris P, Angelopoulos E, Poriazi M, Kritikos K, Siafaka A, Baraboutis I, Zervakis D, Markaki V, Routsi C, Roussos C. Non-invasive assessment of the microcirculation in critically ill patients. Anaesth Intesive Care 2009 Sep;37(5):733-9.